Data from AWS/S3 after 2 years

2 years back : Tried out S3 with various options 

3 months back : Re-enabled S3 on account and got billed unnecessarily

today : Realized that there were 40k+ log files each of size close a KB lingering in the S3 Bucket

now : running the command on the assuming it would help me with the lantencies ( compared to requests from/to India to US ) 

s3cmd rb —recursive s3://BUCKET (via StackOverflow)

now + few hours : Free from the frustration of saving log (access) files.

What can be done better here ? : S3 Should introduce ‘Batch Calls’ and ‘Log Clean up’ mechanisms . The least I could add here is , latencies suck . There should be a way to get this done at the server side. May be its way faster for users of EC2 which might share the same geographical location. 

experts exchange hack

Technical questions(for computers) searched on google usually point to (i would give a 50-50 chance for this site to appear in the top 10 links when searched via Google) is a site which has the experts who exchange solutions, which requires registration which is not necessarily cheap. experts-exchange-subscription

So, how would you view the solution ? Solution is as simple as seeing it from Google.

You use the Google’s cache. Using Google’s cache illegal ? No, of course not, its been provided by Google for free. Experts-exchange is identifying Google bot when requested for a webpage content and responding with the actual data that is not shown to a normal user unless registered.experts-exchange-googlecache You might need to scroll down to the end of the huge categories section to find the actual solution in experts-exchange. Pretty cool ha !

If you want to view a cached page that is present with Google, simple use “cache:” in Google Search

Happy Hacking !

a dumb but a clever hack for and Weebly

Maintaining four individual domains having similar content is a little pain.

So, I decided to scrape off the cc domain I bought for $3) after an year and so, planned to redirect it to a constructed website on Weebly.

But, there is a little problem with the way you redirect from one url to another at , You cannot redirect a domain to another domain which could be used by spammers. But the flaw in the concept was one could redirect links via other links. The one that is free, short, customizable, famous is a URL shortener. So I cooked up a tinyurl link for my site and got it running.

Also, checked using – A free anonymous proxy (since DNS usually takes few hours to get updated).

So, what’s new about ?
I am making another homepage for me on a neat, good looking, customizable interaface (so customizable that you can also add javascript into it), add analytics, add links, adsense,flickr widgets etc. for free on Weebly. The Interface provided by Webbly is very intuitive and neat.

The positive points about the site

  • Intuitive Interface
  • Loads of templates
  • Customizable themes
  • Free Subdomain
  • Link to a domain through A DNS record
  • Pro membership
  • Cheap Hosting

Negative points:

  • Cannot add custom widgets
  • Cannot have more than one domain pointing to the same weebly site