things to do!

I thought of this idea or “things to do” when I was a bit ! happy.

If you are un-happy or frustrated , try to

  1. Think of things which make you happy ! really happy
  2. Organize your data on your system in a good way so that when you take backup or delete stuff you can do it for the directories.
  3. Organize your clothes,books etc.. in the real world.
  4. Talk to people who dont talk topics which piss you off or talk to people who are really close to you.
  5. Think about your life how it was age-5 to age-10 years ago ! (where age is your present age)
  6. Design a webpage or hack one.
  7. Try to know about XSS and find one in GMail.
  8. Read comics / jokes.
  9. Think of ideas and write them down.
  10. Listen to rock songs in high volume, really high volume.
  11. Drink hot coffee (works for me)
  12. doze off
  13. Try to hack some captcha ( try some image processing ).
  14. Hack stuff !
  15. get an argument with someone and kick him up bad ( dont get kicked up ).
  16. If you want something really new , visit Wikipedia. ( wont work for me though ).

I wrote up this post so that it will be easy for me to refer what todo when I get the feeling.