Bash Cuts

‘It would be great if I had all the short-cuts all at one place ‘ ram thought 🙂 . Starting with BASH ( Shell ) which many use… This list will be useful for people starting to use BASH.

Ctrl + A = Home Key = Move to start of line
Ctrl + E = End Key = Move to end of line
Ctrl + I = Tab Key = Auto complete
Ctrl + N = Down Arrow = Next Command
Ctrl + P = Up Arrow = Previous Command
Ctrl + M = Enter Key = Execute Command
Ctrl + O = Execute Command and restore the previous command.

Ctrl + R = Reverse Search
Ctrl + S = Forward Search or Suspend # varies with terminal type.
Ctrl + Q = Release Suspend

Ctrl + U = Remove from start of line till position of cursor
Ctrl + K = Remove from position of cursor till end of line
Ctrl + H = Back Space
Ctrl + W = Remove one word [delimiter=space]
Ctrl + Y = Paste that was cut using Ctrl + U | Ctrl + W

Ctrl + L = Clear Screen
Ctrl + T = Swap the letters behind the cursor
Ctrl + F = Move one character forward
Ctrl + B = Move one charecter backward

Ctrl + D = EOF / Logout / eXit (Oops !)

Ctrl + G = Bell

Ctrl + C = suspend a program
Ctrl + Z = stop a program [ works in a program whose parent is the bash shell ]
fg = bring the process / program to the foreground
bg = bring the process / program to the background

Ctrl + J = Execute Command ~ Ctrl + M
Ctrl + X * 2 = toggle between position
Ctrl + V = Some one fill this !

Please add any more short-cuts. The list will be available at