work today

Today, I started working from the morning 🙂 . For Yaat(the Annotation Tool), I made up a small website. I thought about installing trac [from] .

What is trac ? Why trac? Many websites which use svn for maintaining their code are using trac to host their sites.

Trac is a web-based software project management and bug/issue tracking system emphasizing ease of use and low ceremony. It provides an integrated Wiki, an interface to version control systems, and a number convenient ways to stay on top of events and changes within a project.

I will keep it simple. . One of the most popular open-source projects (wordpress) uses trac.

It took me a little bit of time for installing it. Had some problem with mysql with Trac ( installed v.0.10.4 ). Finally shifted to sqlite.

Now, its the time for configuring the webserver. As trac is written in python and by default, Apache does not have either mod_python module or Fast CGI installed(OS Specific) . I could not find the required rpms (rpm is the package manager for RedHat based OSes).

Installed mod_python and a little bit of configuration and viola ! its done ! The bad part is , a lot of time got wasted in searching for the rpms 😦 .

Now the svn repository . I had a repository in my old machine which contains some projects out of which yaat was one of them.

The problem now: One repos, require backup of 1particular project out of 8. Searched up in the svn redbook. But , turned out unlucky 😦 . There were only articles about how to take incremental backups and dump them back. After a little more googling , ended up lucky. This is the code snippet for creating a new repos from the old one along with the filter for filtering out based on the project name 🙂 . svn rocks 😀 .

svnadmin create newrepos –fs-type fsfs
svnadmin dump repos | svndumpfilter include yaat | svnadmin load newrepos

If you dont give the fs type as fsfs, you may face some problem when hosting the site on trac. ( I got that problem, so I am not sure about it ).

`yaat` was my project name, repos was the old repository and newrepos is my new repository . Actually `yaat` here meant it searches(greps) for `yaat` in the list . And tadaaa. the porting of the projects done ! . But almost a day got eaten up because of this ! 😦 . Anyways if I want to install it again , I will end up facing less no.of problems than I had earlier 😉 .

google talk – change display image hack

Ques) Ever wanted to change your display image (in the Google Talk Application) into an image found on the net (some Google Doodle) ?

Ans) Yes, you can. Just copy the image URI (URL) and paste it in where it asks for the filename in the File Popup Dialog box(the Qt style of viewing [painting] widgets) . I am not sure its the work of Windows(M$) File Dialog Widget or the Google Talk Application ( mostly Google’s ). Make sure the URI ends in one of the supported image formats (bmp, gif,jpg,png), else there can be problems.

This post can also be labeled as “Create Thumbnails using Google Talk” [ 😛 ] which looks a bit funny. btw, did you can see your display image in the URI .

So if you want thumbnails, upload an image, go to the above URI where you can find the photo in the thumbnailed size 😉 Who wants to save thumbnails this way anyways ? My guess , none !

Ques) Can I get a smaller thumbnail ?

Ans) Yes, add the arguments “?sml=1” to the previously specified URI and you get the smaller image.
Ques) Can I get an image of size 100×100 when I resize using this

Ans) Probably, you cant. I am not the one who did it, ask Google 😛 ( search in Google ) . Try any of the online / web image editors ( Usually come in flash or js (for dynamic event handling and ajax) + serverside ( php or smth) . Adobe has recently released one , didnot check it out yet but, I am sure it rocks !

The next post I will be probably writing about how to know / identify blocked users in your Google Account ! interested ? Wait up then. I am not totally confident about the procedure . I will atleast post about my approach if I am not successful 😉

things to do!

I thought of this idea or “things to do” when I was a bit ! happy.

If you are un-happy or frustrated , try to

  1. Think of things which make you happy ! really happy
  2. Organize your data on your system in a good way so that when you take backup or delete stuff you can do it for the directories.
  3. Organize your clothes,books etc.. in the real world.
  4. Talk to people who dont talk topics which piss you off or talk to people who are really close to you.
  5. Think about your life how it was age-5 to age-10 years ago ! (where age is your present age)
  6. Design a webpage or hack one.
  7. Try to know about XSS and find one in GMail.
  8. Read comics / jokes.
  9. Think of ideas and write them down.
  10. Listen to rock songs in high volume, really high volume.
  11. Drink hot coffee (works for me)
  12. doze off
  13. Try to hack some captcha ( try some image processing ).
  14. Hack stuff !
  15. get an argument with someone and kick him up bad ( dont get kicked up ).
  16. If you want something really new , visit Wikipedia. ( wont work for me though ).

I wrote up this post so that it will be easy for me to refer what todo when I get the feeling.